Biomimicry: Life Amongst Death
I found a coniferous tree that was probably a tree used during christmas / it was thrown on the street along with other trash, as it no longer served its purpose for the person / I wanted to show the life cycle of what I believe this coniferous-christmas tree went through and may continue to go through / I decided to make a flip book of this idea using chalk pastels in a handmade-paper book that I already owned / I closed my eyes, turned away or used the book cover to block my view while drawing every page as an exercise to not judge myself when drawing (an exercise called blind contour drawing / I would feel the edges of the pages and the chalk pastels on paper to guess where to draw / for the background music of the flip book video, I used the song iron sky by paolo nutini which includes the speech by charlie chapman in the great dictator movie, as I found the words very fitting