Who is Samhita? (she/her)
pronounced as sa-me-tha, my name “samhita,” means “a collection,” as well as refers to the ancient Vedic scriptures, consisting of stories, mantras, poems, hymns and so much more / I like to think that I am also a collection, a collection of stories, a person who experiences a collection of emotions, an individual with a collection of passions, an artist who explores a collection of art forms, and so on /
but to describe myself as a creator: I am a multi-media guerrilla artist and fashion designer based in NYC and NJ, but from south india / in spanish “guerrilla,” means small war and I think there couldn’t be a better way to describe what it is I do / I use my craft to speak up about pressing topics in the world, including but not limited to mental health, women’s and queer rights, environmental justice, etc. / my art includes small wars I am fighting as an individual, together with others in the bigger infinite wars in the world / a few highlights of my art involves community and collaboration, my indian heritage and traditional indian art forms, art installations and unconventional methods to create, etc. / I enjoy experimenting with various art forms, some of which include up-cycling and mending, photography, sculpture, etc. /
there is so much more to the collection I am, and I hope this portfolio can give a better look into who I am
the reason I use back slashes (/) instead of fullstops is because a full stop represents the end to something and my story is just beginning