Bodied-Unbodied: Community
I believe that I have grown because I have a strong support system – my people – and without them I don’t think I would survive / my final render of the project is one garment made to be worn by five people, to show community / I do a lot of work in collaboration with others, something that is extremely important to me / I believe that we need to go back to the days that we lived in communities and thrived / where we supported and worked with each other to grow and become the best versions of ourselves / because the lives we live of every man for themselves (the one created by machine men) is unsustainable / we as humans need connection and support, without that, this world cannot survive / no sense of community causes so many problems, not only on an individual level but on a global one too / I want to show that humans cannot survive without one another / my identity is heavily influenced by my community, where they have shaped and inspired me so greatly / without them I wouldn’t be the person I am today. that is why this is one garment for five people - to wear together and show that we exist as a whole instead as of individuals