I Am
thrifted black dickies jacket, black eyelet fabric, black fabric scraps and fabric scrap lettering from fabscrap on jacket, sobo glue, poem I wrote that is printed on cotton fabric and hand bundle dyed:
If you take a razor to my skin and shave off all my
hair and then use a blade to peel off my skin and
then use a shovel to gut my intensities and then use
a saw to cut out my bones, oh and before all that if
you use one of those saliva suctions at the dentist’s
office to draw out all my blood, you’ll find me,
Because I am not my flesh and bones
I am more than the outsides to my insides
I am the deepest insides of the insides of a human
I am the frothy double chocolate milkshake with
extra chocolate that tingles your taste buds and
leaves a milky brown mustache on your cupid’s bow
I am the spiky emerald on the ground below, with
little critters tickling your toes and giving you
fantasy checks
I am the second toy you surprisingly find in a cereal
box even though you were only supposed to get one
I am
I am the expired manic panic jar that still dyes your
uber bleached strands using childlike finger
painting techniques because who needs a brush
I am the song that plays on a radio between two
channels, which is pretty much just static but is
still a bop
I am the multiple consecutive one line messages
and the hundred word paragraph texts on iMessage
I am the huff and puff and blow the entire dandelion
down, not just the itty bitty pappus that float
amongst the altostratus
I am the 4am “Happy New Day!” notifications along
with “Did you eat today and drink plenty of water?”
I am the blinding flash of a fujifilm instax mini
capturing this moment of the Anthropocene to be
embedded forever
I am the crane machine at the arcade that picks up
a stuffed animal every single time someone plays,
without a doubt
I am the last droplet of ink in the pen which has
practically lasted a lifetime but first allows you to
finish your postcard to your dearest and nearest
I am the mini forest that grows between the cracks
of concrete, where people thought it was pretty
much impossible
I am the last one percent left on your phone to be
able to send your people the orange heart emoji on
So if you could, would you take a razor to my skin
and shave off all my hair and then use a blade to
peel off all my skin and then use a shovel to gut my
intestines and then use a saw to cut out my bones,
oh and before all that would you use one of those
saliva suctions at the dentist’s office to draw out all
my blood to find me, probably..right?
Because I am not my flesh and bones
I am more than the outsides to my insides
I am the deepest insides of the insides of a human
I am